
From Generative Anthropology

Metaphysics is the contemporary Western way of thinking, founded on the principle that the declarative sentence – the “proposition” – is the fundamental linguistic form. The tendency and bias to ground the ‘illocutionary force’ of language within metaphysics is directly linked to the general innovations in representation made possible by the declarative mode, as well as the tendency to get lost in it through mismatched framing/hierarchical derivation of meaning; philosophy as a result is always-already, endlessly, figuring through truth-falsehood verification a declarative nexus/chain of signifiers within a propositional structure, to ground the prior propositional content in question (see: transcendental signified), too often banishing the imperative-ostensive ontologies necessarily preceding that (abstracted) meaning-construction as a possibility.


The working model for figuring and grounding meaning, particular to Western philosophy, originated with Plato as an instinct for deferring higher culture.